04 February 2025

Notes from 15-minute public forum on 04 February 2025

2 members of the public were present.

They enquired about several items:

  • Dog waste bins, it was advised there had been two new bins purchased, one next to the bus shelter at the top of Tooley Lane on the A52 and one outside the Methodist Church also on the A52.
  • They enquired if anyone had heard any further information regarding the sale of the Methodist Church, no further information had been heard.
  • Kimes Yard, it was asked if there was anything else happening here, Borough Cllr Butler advised they were redesigning the development and were looking to put through new plans in the future.
  • The condition of the pavements, especially the mud, the resident advised they had reported the mud onto ‘fix my street’ with photos and read out the report.
  • They also enquired if there had been any further developments with regards to the 5g Mast. The Clerk read out an email from Richard Tice’s office, which is also covered as an Agenda Item.


7:10pm Cllr Edwards Arrived

7:15pm The Public Forum was closed.



Minutes of the meeting of Wrangle Parish Council held on Tuesday 4th February 2025 at 7:00pm in The Parish Hall.


  1. Apologies for absence


Apologies: Apologies were accepted from Cllr Hill, Pickett and Borough Cllr Baxter.


Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Dickason, Bowles, Edwards, Law, Seymour and Wrisdale.


Also present: County Cllr Skinner and Borough Cllr Butler.


  1. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:


  1. Borough Cllr Butler reported:
    1. Cllr Baxter continues to work with Cllr Skinner and LCC to see if the local buses could run through Church End again.
    2. Cllr Butler and Cllr Baxter attended the recent Plough Sunday on 26th January, it was great to see so many in attendance.
    3. Residents have contacted both Cllr Butler and Cllr Baxter regarding flooding and drains, smoke/pollution, damage to roads caused by Tractors and potholes. They both continue to report these issues on Fix My Street or feed back to the relevant department in the Borough Council to try and resolve them.
    4. Council Tax support for some of the most vulnerable residents has been increased to 100% this will provide a huge help.
    5. Boston Brilliance is due to be held on 14th/15th February.
  2. County Cllr Skinner reported:
    1. Flooding issues continue to be addressed
    2. Anglian Water have made observations to a storm cover on Chapel Road, this is to be investigated.
    3. Highways are going to be clearing the drains out.


  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 04 February 2025 to be approved and signed as the minutes


It was resolved that the minutes previously circulated be signed as the minutes.


  1. Clerk’s Report


  1. Wainfleet Parish Council will have some allotment acreage to let, they have asked if they could advertise this in the Wrangle Parish News. The Clerk is to make some enquiries.
  2. It was advised that a Wayleave Payment had been received from National Grid for £16.37.
  3. Boston Borough Council had reported that the streetlight outside the Youth Club on Wrangle Bank had been damaged and needs replacing, the cost of this would be £350+VAT. The Clerk is to speak with the council and make some enquiries.
  4. Richard Tice had contacted the Clerk to see if the Council would like to meet with him, a date and time is to be confirmed to suit all.
  5. An email has been received from a resident with regards to the Culvert Pipe being blocked on the recreation field. It was agreed that quotes would be sourced to mud the dyke and clean the Culvert Pipe.


  1. To receive report from the Chairman


The Chairman had nothing to report.












  1. Financial Report:
    1. Payments to be authorised:
      1. Salaries (January)                                                                    543.01
      2. Clerks Expenses                                                              15.24
      3. E-ON Next (Pavillion)                                                         TBC
      4. E-ON Next (Toilet Block)                                                  58.68
      5. K&P Services                                                                 182.80
      6. Haines Watts Skegness (PAYE)                                         27.00
      7. LALC Annual Subscription                                               396.82
      8. Wrangle Parish Hall Hire                                                145.00
      9. Wave Water                                                                  184.79
      10. Page Paper (Paper for Magazines)                                    36.88
      11. Bolingbroke Deanery                                                       70.00


  1. To report balances in the bank on 15 January 2025

Current Account: £2073.71

Jubilee Account: £688.21

Deposit Account: £23743.32


  1. To consider LALC Annual Training Scheme


The cost of the LALC Annual Training Scheme would be £192.00 for 1 year.

After a discussion it was moved, seconded and agreed not to go ahead with the Annual Training Scheme for 2025/2026 year.


  1. To discuss Haines Watts re-enrolment quote


It was discussed and then moved, seconded and agreed to go ahead with the Haines Watts re-enrolment quote at the value of £150.00.


  1. To discuss Handyman price increase


The Handyman had advised that as from 01 February 2025, his prices would be increasing from £10.00 per hour to £12.00 per hour.

It was discussed that the Handyman would be requested to continue his work until the end of March 2025. This will then be put out to tender.


8:03pm – Two members of the Public left the meeting.


  1. To receive a report regarding the Precept 


The precept has been returned to Boston Borough Council for £48000.00.

It was discussed that the increase on last year was to fulfil some of the projects within the village and to cover footway lighting costs.





  1. To receive an update on the siting of two bus shelters on the A52 in the area of Sea Lane junction.


The Clerk had spoken with County Cllr Skinner who was looking into this. It was advised that everything was in order and that everything could go ahead.

The Clerk will speak with the resident close to where one of the bus shelters is due to be sited to make sure it wont cause any obstruction to their view when pulling out onto the A52.


  1. Recreation Field:


  1. To receive an update on the Tree/Hedge work: The work is due to be carried out in February, weather dependant.
  2. To receive an update on the Tree survey: This has been carried out, results are to be reviewed and reported back.
  3. Discuss quotes for cleaning of the play equipment: Three companies were asked for quotes, two of them returned quotes. It was discussed and agreed which company would be asked to carry out the work. This will be carried out once all tree/hedge work has been completed.
  4. Any other matters:
    1. The Goal Posts are broken and will be removed as soon as possible.
    2. It was reported that Moles are back on the field, it was agreed to keep an eye on the situation.
    3. The high-Water bill from Wave Water was discussed, the Clerk and Cllr Dickason checked the buildings and field for any leaks. After investigations the bill is believed to be correct. The Clerk will check the meter readings regularly going forward.
    4. Cllr Dickason reported that the Clerk had fixed in the electricity on both meters for 1 year and obtained a reduced standing charge which should result in a saving over the year. The Council thanked the Clerk for doing this.


  1. To receive update regarding Community Speed Sign


Cllr Dickason met with a representative from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. They discussed options for a new speed sign and relocating the current sign to a different location in the village.

The Clerk is to clarify a few points, but it was moved seconded and agreed to go ahead with the purchase of a new sign and a new pole for the sign to be attached to.











  1. To receive an update regarding a 5G mast


Richard Tice’s office have said that there are currently no plans or applications to put a mast up in Wrangle. They are aware that there was work going ahead opposite the school that was stopped due to opposition for the placement of it, but there are no current plans to re site it.

Richard is very keen to improve connectivity across the whole constituency and they are in close contact with the mobile networks and open reach.

The Clerk has requested that if anything is to start up again or plans drawn up that we are the first to know.


  1. To review the Safeguarding Policy


The Safeguarding policy has been requested when trying to obtain grants.

It was agreed to seek advice from LALC.


  1. To report any highway matters


Cllr Bowles reported that the Stiles on the sea bank have been replaced with new gates.


  1. Planning applications received for a decision at this meeting (All plans can be viewed at www.mybostonuk.com)


B/24/0507 – The Cherries, Church End, Wrangle PE22 9EW.

Single Storey attached garage to side elevation. (Works already completed).


  1. Planning Decisions received from Boston Borough Council


B/24B0354 – Common Farm, Wrangle Bank, PE22 9DH.

Demolition of existing agricultural buildings and erection of 3no dwellings and creation of vehicular access. – Favourable with conditions.


B/23/0111/CD1 – Old Cottage, Main Road, Wrangle, PE22 9AS

Application to discharge condition C4 (Surface water) of planning application B/23/0111 (Erection of a car port) – Condition discharge/details acceptable.


B/23/0153 – GH Kimes Haulage Depot, Main Road, Wrangle, PE22 9AW.

Change of use from haulage and storage deport to housing development of 23 no. residential dwellings, estate roads and services in accordance with amended plans and supporting documents received by the Local Planning Authority on 31st July 2024 – Unfavourable Decision.


  1. To receive an update regarding gov.uk email addresses


All emails have now been agreed. The Clerk will set these up and circulate.


  1. Correspondence received, not covered on the agenda


It was discussed that the rent letters for the Allotments are to be sent out to the tenants.


  1. Matters for next agenda


No matters for the next agenda.


  1. Date and time of the next meeting


The next Parish Council meeting will be held at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall on Tuesday 4th March 2025.

There will be a Public Forum commencing at 7:00pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. After which Parish Council business will be conducted. The Parish Council meeting will commence at 7:15pm or at the closure of the Public Forum, whichever is the sooner.



There being no other business the meeting closed at 08:56pm.