July 2024

Notes from 15 minute public forum on 02 July 2024


There were no members of the public present.



Minutes of the meeting of Wrangle Parish Council held on Tuesday 02 July 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall


1. Apologies for absence


Apologies:  Apologies were accepted from Cllr Dickason and from Borough Cllr Butler


Present:  Cllrs Bowles, Wrisdale, Law, Hill, Pickett, Edwards, Seymour and Ashton (Chairman)  


Also present:  County Cllr Skinner and Borough Cllr Baxter


2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


a. Borough Cllr Baxter reported: 

i. A report has been sent to the Clerk for circulation to all Councillors.

ii. Reporting repairs on Fix my Street seems to be working at this time.


b. County Cllr Skinner reported:

i. Street lights on Main Road are being repaired.

ii. Potholes are being repaired, a pot hole on the A52 is in need of repair.

iii. Flood and water works are continuing.


3.    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 


There were no declarations of interest.


4. Notes of the meeting held on 04 June 2024 to be signed as the minutes


It was resolved that the minutes, previously circulated, be signed as the minutes.


5. Clerk’s report


a. An email has been received regarding the plans for Land off Tooley Lane, the developer, who had been invited to the meeting, is no longer involved and therefore will not be attending the meeting tonight.

b. There is an issue with the Audit due to the street lights being invoiced in one financial year and payment stopped in the next financial year.  This has now been corrected.


6. To receive report from the Chairman  


It was resolved to send a Get-Well card to a former Councillor.


7. Finance report


a. It was resolved to make the following payments: 


Salaries (June)   490.77

Clerk’s Expenses (June)         53.15

E L Arnold (white paper for magazine)     27.50

K & P Services (Handyman - June)   160.00

K & P Services (receipt for the back payment)   480.00

Bolingbroke Deanery (July magazine – cheque previously signed)     64.00

Bolingbroke Deanery (August/September magazine)     TBA

E-on Next (cheque previously signed)    32.55

E-on Next (awaiting invoice)     TBA

Malc Firth Landscapes Ltd (grass cuts)   411.50

TJW Services (repair to bus shelter)   792.00

Haines Watts (Skegness) (PAYE)     27.00

E L Arnold (Safety tape)       7.98     

E L Arnold (Notice board key)       5.50

Wicksteed Leisure (Play area and outdoor gym inspection)   316.18

Harris Engineering (repair to play equipment)     TBA

JCS Driveways (Recreation field and Sea Lane works) 5676.00

John Skinner Builder (repairs to sign base) 1020.00

   (half of this has been charged to Malc Firth Landscapes as agreed)

ICO (annual fee to be taken by direct debit)     35.00

HMRC (PAYE)   156.40

   Cheques for August:

Salaries (July)      TBA

K & P Services (July)   160.00

E-on Next (Electricity supply)      TBA


b.   Balances at bank at 15 June 2024:      Current account    £14,118.68  rec: £13,481.03

     Deposit account    £23,568.97

             Map account                  £2.95

     Jubilee Account         £685.25


8.         To discuss bus shelters:


a. Repairs to wooden bus shelter by Village Hall

The repair has been completed.


     b. Siting of two bus shelters on A52 in the area of Sea Lane junction

i. A meeting was held with LCC regarding the siting of the two bus shelters.  There are no problems with siting the shelters as long as the Highway standards are followed.

ii. A form for a licence has been received and completed.

iii. A local business has been contacted regarding use of its land and asked if they can proved a base for one of the bus shelters.  It has been suggested a meeting is held to discuss the size of the base required.


9.         Recreation field – any matters to report


a. Play area repair.

i. The Clerk, due to not hearing from any Councillor, asked a local company to put in a blanking plate to replace the vandalised dome.  Domes are no longer available and the original supplier could not give a date for carrying out any repairs.

ii. The item of equipment was taped off until the repair was carried out.


b. Play Area Inspection

i. All Councillors have a copy of the inspection report.

ii. The picnic tables need to be re-set in the original places.

iii. The slide needs to be ‘smoothed off’ where is has been damaged.

iv. The gym equipment needs to have metal plates with instruction and restrictions fitted on each item.


c. Vandalism at the Bowls Club

i. There have been four acts of vandalism at the Bowls Club.

ii. The Police have been informed and anyone finding any issues with vandalism at the recreation field should report it on 101.


d. Moles

It was resolved that Malc Firth Landscapes can ask a company they know to deal with the moles at the Recreation Field.


10. To receive update regarding Community Speed Watch


Cllr Dickason has the details of the volunteers and will arrange for training.


11.     To receive an update regarding the 5G mast


A letter has been sent to the company who applied for planning permission, no response has been received.


12. To discuss the Borough Council street light quotation from E-on - £31,562 plus VAT


a. All Councillors have a copy of the quotation which was outlined by the Clerk.

b. The Borough Council will be asked to provide a second quotation for this work.

c. If this amount has to be paid then payment options will need to be considered:

i. A loan from the Borough Council

ii. A loan from the Public Works Loan Board

iii. Break the quote down into affordable sections to pay over a few years.


(before any loan can be taken out a public consultation must take place.)


13. To discuss the War Memorial cleaning quotation - £2,600 plus VAT


Following discussion it was proposed by Cllr Ashton and seconded by Cllr Seymour, all agreed, that the War Memorial should be cleaned.


14. To consider a possible site for a parcel collection point in the village


a. An email has been circulated to all Councillors regarding siting a Parcel Collection Point in Wrangle.

b. Following discussion it was agreed that the Parish Hall Committee could consider this request.

c. If the Parish Hall Committee do not want to consider a Parcel Collection Point then the local shop will be asked.


15. To discuss issues at the spinney


All issues will now be reported direct to the Police on 101.


16. To report any highway matters


a.   A ‘Children Playing’ sign will not be put up at Mel Marshall Way, the resident has a copy of the email from LCC.  These are only used in areas where there is a Play Area.

b. The lowering of the Mel Marshall Way nameplate has been requested, no response has been received.


17. To consider siting dog/litter bins at Tooley Lane and Main Road bus stop opposite Tooley Lane - £705.00 plus VAT


a. The Borough Council state that there is no need for a dog/litter bin by the bus stop at the Chapel.

b. A dog/litter bin can be sited at the Tooley Lane bus stop, but the cigarette bin would be removed.

c. The bin at Elizabeth Avenue can be sited at the junction with Tooley Lane.

d. It was resolved to ask for a bin as well as the cigarette bin at the Tooley Lane bus stop and for a bin at the Chapel Lane Bus stop.


18.    Planning applications received


The following planning application had no observations:


B/24/0247 - Ben Burgess (Holdings) Ltd - Advertisement consent for proposed single sided fascia with part illumination at Burdens Tractors, Main Road


Objections were made to the following amendment:


B/24/0125 - Mr Hiley - Erection of 2 detached dwellings and erection of a detached double garage on the site of a partially constructed dwelling at Land adjacent to Angel Inn Public House, Church End


The bridleway/public footpath that runs through the site should remain in its existing position, the suggested position would take users around the edge of the car park to the public house where there are overhanging trees and the area is used for parking cars.


19.    Planning decisions received from Boston Borough Council


No planning decisions have been received for this meeting


20.     To receive update regarding the Emergency Parish Plan


Cllr Dickason was not present, this will be on the agenda for the next meeting.


21. To discuss ideas for remembering past long serving Councillors


This was not discussed due to Cllr Dickason not being present.


22. To discuss steps towards appointing a new Clerk


a. The Clerk outlined dates for advertising the position, a closing date for applications, dates for interviewing as well as remuneration for the successful candidate.

b. A laptop and filing cabinet will be purchased at a cost of £300.00, the Clerk will load the necessary files and emails onto the new laptop.

c. The new Clerk will be appointed from 01 September and the current Clerk will finish at the end of September to ensure a smooth transition.

d. The existing Clerk will continue to do the Wrangle Parish News.


23. Correspondence received not covered on the agenda


An email has been received regarding a property on the Main Road, this is not within the remit of the Parish Council to deal with.


24.    Any other business – matters for next agenda


There were no other items for the next agenda.


25.    Date and time of next meeting


The next Parish Council meeting will be held at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall on 03 September 2024 with a Public Forum from 7.15pm





There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.05pm