03 December 2024

Notes from 15-minute public forum on 03 December 2024

There were no members of the public present.



Minutes of the meeting of Wrangle Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at 7:30pm in The Parish Hall.


  1. Apologies for absence


Apologies: Apologies were accepted from Cllr Hill, Pickett and Borough Cllr Butler.


Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Dickason, Bowles, Edwards, Law, Seymour and Wrisdale.


Also present: County Cllr Skinner and Borough Cllr Baxter.


  1. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:


  1. Borough Cllr Baxter reported:
    1. Farmers were contacted regarding mud on the road, road sweeping has been arranged. This can be reported on fix my street if necessary.
    2. Concern around young people cycling in the dark with no lights. Communication with County Cllr and Borough Council, advertising and communication coming out shortly.
    3. Boston Borough Council leader to contact Brylaine and Stagecoach with regards to the bus service to the village centre.


  1. County Cllr Skinner reported:
    1. The formation of the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority has been approved by the new government.
    2. For details on timetables bus services over Christmas and New Year visit: www.lincsbus.info/christmas


  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 05 November 2024 to be approved and signed as the minutes


It was resolved that the minutes previously circulated be signed as the minutes.








  1. Clerk’s Report


  1. The Clerk advised that there would be a Community Leaders Engagement briefing held via zoom on Tuesday 10th December for anyone that would like to attend.
  2. It was advised that PC Brennan had carried out 3 separate drone flights and several patrols of the Recreation Field area since the November meeting and he had nothing to report.
  3. An email received from a resident was discussed, they had raised concerns regarding a tree that is on the Recreation Field that is overhanging their property. The resident is to be informed that a tree survey is to be carried out on all trees and any problems would be raised then.
  4. Citizens Advice had made contact to see if the council would consider making a donation to them. It was discussed and agreed that only local donations would be considered.
  5. Richard Tice’s office has asked if he could hold a meeting with the Councillors, he has also requested some advertising space in the Parish Magazine. It was agreed that a meeting would be held, the date is to be confirmed.


  1. Salaries – New NALC Pay Scales


It was moved, seconded and voted that the new NALC Pay Scales would be actioned and that back payments to April would also be actioned for both members of staff.


  1. To receive report from the Chairman


The Chairman had nothing to report.


  1. Financial Report:
    1. Payments to be authorised:
      1. Salaries (November)                                                                  485.80
      2. Clerks Expenses (November)                                                       34.95
      3. E-on Next (Pavilion)                                                                      TBA
      4. E-on Next (Toilet Block)                                                                   TBA
      5. Bolingbroke Deanery (November Magazine)                                   60.00
      6. Malc Firth Landscapes Ltd (grass cutting)                                   416.30
      7. K&P Services                                                                            160.00
      8. Haines Watts Skegness (PAYE)                                                       54.00
      9. Page Paper (Paper for Magazines)                                               36.88


  1.  Payments to be authorised for January:
    1. Salaries (December & Back Pay)                                  1059.64
    2. E-on Next (Pavilion)                                                                 64.05
    3. E-on Next (Toilet Block)                                                   58.68
    4. K&P Services                                                                 160.00
    5. Haines Watts Skegness (PAYE)                                                   TBA
    6. HMRC                                                                           257.00
    7. Malc Firth                                                                      186.11
    8. Bolingbroke Deanery                                                         TBA


  1. To report balances in the bank on 15 November 2024:

                Current Account: £5413.08

                Deposit Account: £23657.11

                Jubilee Account: £688.21


  1. To report the situation with the bank mandate

                The Bank Mandate should be fully changed within the next week.


  1. To approve the draft budget for the year ended 31 March 2026 and set the precept


  1. It was proposed, seconded and voted that a Civic Budget of £500.00 would be added to the Budget
  2. It was agreed that the LALC Subscription budget be increased to £500.00 and renamed Training and Development
  3. It was moved, seconded and voted to set the Precept at £48000.00  


  1. To receive an update on the siting of two bus shelters on the A52 in the area of Sea Lane junction.


A local business has agreed to supply two bases for each of the bus shelters. It was discussed that the landowner for one of the sites would need to be contacted as would a nearby house. Thanks was expressed by all to the local business.


  1. Recreation Field:


  1. To receive an update on the Tree/Hedge work: A date was in place for the work to be carried out, but this had to be cancelled on the day due to bad weather, this will be rearranged.
  2. Discuss quotes for cleaning of the play equipment: The Clerk is waiting for quotes back from companies, the main question from the companies had been whether there would be access to Water. It was agreed the Pavillion Water could be used.
  3. Any other matters: The Clerk is to speak with the Bowls Club with regards to electricity.


  1. To receive update regarding Community Speed Sign


  1. Quotes had been received to upgrade the current Speed Sign and to utilise the current Speed Sign elsewhere. A meeting is to be arranged in the New Year with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to discuss further.
  2. An email had been received from a Community Speed Watch Co-Ordinator advising that Wrangle do not have a group of volunteers to undertake roadside checks. It was discussed that there was a lack of volunteers to be able to get a group running. It was agreed to wait until Spring and relaunch.


  1. To receive an update regarding a 5G mast


No update on this, currently awaiting a response from Richard Tice.


  1. To report any highway matters


It was reported that the gratings on the A52 had been lifted. There has also been a drainage problem on Chapel Lane.


  1. Planning applications received for a decision at this meeting


There were no objections to:


B/23/0111/CD1 – Old Cottage, Main Road, Wrangle – Application to discharge condition C4 of planning application B/23/0111 (Erection of car port)


  1. Planning Decisions received from Boston Borough Council


B/24/0405 – The Cherries, Church End, Wrangle – Application for a lawful development certificate to confirm that the single storey attached garage to the side of the property is lawful. Decision: Withdrawn by applicant/agent


  1. To receive an update regarding gov.uk email addresses


The domain name and email package has all now been set up. A grant was obtained to cover the start up costs.

The Clerk will set up emails for all and liaise regarding the changeover.


  1. Correspondence received, not covered on the agenda


It was discussed and agreed that at the next meeting and for all meetings going forward the Public Forum would commence at 7:00pm, after this the Parish Council business would be conducted. The Council meeting will start at 7:15pm or at the closure of the Public Forum, whichever is the sooner.


  1. Matters for next agenda


No matters for the next agenda.


  1. Date of next meeting – 04 February 2025