01 March 2022

Notes from 15 minute public forum on 01 March 2022


There were no members of the public present.



Minutes of the meeting of Wrangle Parish Council held on Tuesday 01 March 2022 At 7.30pm in the Parish Hall


1. Apologies For Absence


Apologies:  There were no apologies received


Present:  Cllrs Bowles, Seymour, Pickett, Wrisdale, Edwards, Featherstone, Law and Danby (Chairman)


2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


a. Borough Cllr Pickett reported that Council Tax would increase by 2.5%, this is mainly due to the drainage boards needing and extra £90,000 due to having to use white diesel.


b. The County Councillor was not present


3.    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 


There were no declarations of interest.


4.      Notes of the meeting held on 01 February 2022 to be signed as the minutes


The notes, previously circulated, were approved and signed as the minutes. 


5. Clerk’s report


a. The re-declaration for the Pensions Regulator has been completed on behalf of the Parish Council.

b. The weekly rural bus service serving Wrangle Common is due to end on 20 March unless LCC can be persuaded to keep it running.


6.    To receive report from the Chairman  


Wood chippings have been delivered and spread around the trees in the orchard.


7. Finance report


a. Payment to be authorised: 


Clerk’s expenses     25.88

Salaries (February)   476.93

K & P Services (Handyman – January)   120.00

E L Arnold (white magazine paper)     18.00

Bolingbroke Deanery (February magazine)     90.00

E-on (pavilion – cheque signed at February meeting)     35.63

Paul Greenhough (coloured paper for magazine)     25.16

LIVES (defibrillator for primary school wall) 2027.88


7.45pm  Cllr Ashton arrived


b.   Balances at bank at 15 February 2022 : Current account          £8,007.31 Reconciled:                £5,530.89

Deposit account       £27,121.78

        Map account               £636.73


8. To consider the rent increase to the Parish Council for the allotments to £2900


a. The rent review has been received and was outlined by the Clerk.

b. The increase will mean a £5.00 per acre increase to the allotment tenants.

c. Following discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bowles and seconded by Cllr Seymour that the increase be accepted, all agreed.

d. The allotments tenants will be notified of the increase.


9.     Recreation field 


a. To discuss the bridge across the dyke behind Mel Marshall Way

The letter to the resident has only recently been sent out, therefore there was nothing further to report at this time.


b. Entrance to the car park

i. It is only possible to purchase 10 or 20 ton of road plannings, but the supplier was unsure if he could get into the car park to make the delivery.

ii. It has been suggested by one supplier that Patchmac may do the job required, it was resolved that this is not the case in this situation.

iii. Following discussion it was resolved that three of the Councillors would try various ways to fill in the potholes to see which works the best.


c. Any other matter

i. The trees behind the toiler block have been cut back, as have some others around the recreation field.

ii. The Football Club have raised issues regarding the mole hills, they have been advised that matches should not be played if they think it is too dangerous.

iii. The mole hills have been flattened by the Football Club to make the area safe to play.

iv. An email from a resident was outlined and discussed.  The issues will be considered in due course.


10.    To report any highway matters


a. Notice of a road closure for Church End between 14 and 16 March has been received.

b. The big hole at Hall Lane needs filling in again

c. An email from a resident, regarding speeding at Main Road, was outlined.  There are new signs in place, LRSP have put signage up and the interactive sign is now working.


11. Planning applications received


The Parish Council supported the following planning applications:


B/22/0035 - Mr & Mrs S Farr - Single storey rear extension at 7 Gold Fen Bank


B/22/0036 - Mr Singh - Erection of 1no detached two storey dwelling at The Post Office Store, Church End, Wrangle, Boston PE22 9EH


12.    Planning decisions received from Boston Borough Council


There were no planning decisions for this meeting.


13.     To discuss the siting of the village sign


a. The Chairman reported that a meeting is to be arranged with LCC Highways to approve the site for the village sign.

b. The Borough Councillor Grant of £1000 can be used for siting the sign, Cllr Ashton signed the application form.


14.     To consider purchase of a Jubilee seat using a Parish Council grant of £1000


a. Councillors have been sent details of a Jubilee Seat to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee.

b. The Parish Council can claim a grant of £1000 that can be used towards the purchase of this seat, which can be sited in the area of the village sign.

c. It was resolved to claim the grant and order the seat and commemorative tablet.

d. The Chairman will speak to LCC at the meeting regarding siting the sign.


15.     Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022


a. To discuss possible celebrations

A meeting is to be arranged by the volunteer organiser of the celebrations, details will be put on local social media pages.  


b. To consider purchase of medals/gifts for children

a. The costs of medals and mugs was reported by the Clerk, details have been sent to all Councillors.

b. Following discussion, and a vote, it was resolved to purchase mugs for all children of primary school age and under.


16.     Correspondence received not covered on the agenda


There was no other correspondence.


17.    Any other business – matters for next agenda


The budget will be discussed at the next meeting.


18.   Date and time of next meeting


The next meeting will be held on 05 April 2022 at 7.30pm, in the Parish Hall, with a public forum from 7.15pm



There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.45pm