May 2023 - Annual Parish Meeting

Wrangle Parish - Annual Meeting


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15 May 2023 in Wrangle Parish Hall at 7.00pm


1.    Apologies


There were no apologies received


Present:  Cllrs Bowles, Edwards, Pickett, Seymour, Wrisdale, Featherstone and Ashton.


There were four members of the public present along with Borough Cllr Butler and retired Parish Council Chairman Mr Danby.


The meeting was chaired by Mr Danby, retired Chairman of the Parish Council


2.     Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 03 May 2022


The minutes were read out by the Clerk approved, and signed as a true record


3.    Chairman’s annual report


The Chairman gave his annual report to May 2023, a copy of which is attached.


4.    Wrangle Consolidated Charities - accounts


The Consolidated Charites accounts have been received and were outlined by the Clerk.  Cllr Bowles reported that there has been a lot of expense on the cottage due work in preparation for re-letting.  The property is now let.  The Outer Dowsing may affect one of the charity’s fields.


5.    Alenson & Erskine Foundation - accounts


The accounts for the Alenson & Erskine Charity were outlined out by the Clerk.  Income is received from weekly maintenance allowance received for the almshouses and from allotment rents.  All the funds for the educational side of the charity is given to students in the form of grants.  Investments were reported.


6.    Correspondence


There was no correspondence received for this meeting.


7.    Any other business, open to members of the public


  1. A question was asked regarding the Parish Magazine – this is produced by the Parish Council and income from adverts goes to the Church.  The Church organises the invoicing for the adverts.




There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 7.20pm