September 2024

Notes from 15 minute public forum on 02 July 2024


There were two members of the public present, they came along to report the poor water pressure in the village (County Cllr Skinner will look into this issue), enquire about the letter sent to 5G (asking if they still want a site in Wrangle and can the Parish Council suggest a site) and to ask about a development off Tooley Lane (now not the same as first impressions given).




Minutes of the meeting of Wrangle Parish Council held on Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall


1.Welcome the new Clerk


  1. The Chairman introduced Rebecca Herberts as the new Parish Council Clerk.
  2. The Clerk’s contract, circulated to all Councillors, was signed by both the Clerk and the Chairman, on behalf of the Parish Council.


2.Apologies for absence


Apologies:  Apologies were accepted from Cllr Pickett and from Borough Cllr Baxter


Present:  Cllrs Bowles, Wrisdale, Law, Hill, Dickason, Edwards, Seymour and Ashton (Chairman)  


Also present:  County Cllr Skinner, Borough Cllr Butler and two members of the public


  1. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


  1. Borough Cllr Butler reported:
  1. A report has been sent to the Clerk for circulation to all Councillors, this includes the grass cutting at the Chapel.
  2. Following discussion it was resolved that questions would be asked about the maintenance of the grass and the Parish Council would look at the situation once further information has been received.  (The retiring Clerk advised that the Parish Council cannot pay someone to cut the grass.)
  3. Issues bought to the attention of the Borough Councillors have been passed to the relevant authority to action.
  4. The next Wyberton Womble Big Borough Clean Up will be on Sunday 27 October.


  1. County Cllr Skinner reported:
  1. LCC will be submitting a planning application for a new fire station at Leverton.  There will be a consultation on 25 September.
  2. The manhole covers on the A52 are on a program to be levelled.
  3. A traffic management plan ahs been approved for the area around the Giles Academy.
  4. There have been 2 repair visits to Wrangle.


  1. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the LOCALISM ACT 2011


There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Notes of the meeting held on 02 July 2024 to be signed as the minutes


It was resolved that the minutes, previously circulated, be signed as the minutes.


6.      Clerk’s report


  1. The Audit has been submitted to PKF Littlejohn and confirmation of this has been received.
  2. The filing cabinet needs to be moved to the home of the new Clerk.  This will be sorted by the Clerks.


7.       To receive report from the Chairman 


The Chairman had nothing to report, all items are on the agenda.


8.       To discuss training for the  clerk and for Councillors via the LALC training scheme


  1. Cllr Law would like to attend New Councillor training and Neighbourhood Planning training.
  2. The Clerk will need to attend training events available via LALC.
  3. The Chairman suggested that as many training events are attended by any number of Councillors.
  4. All training has to be booked by the Clerk on the LALC website.


9.       Finance report


  1. Payments made in August:                                                                                   £

Salaries (July)                                                                                             542.77

K & P Services (Handyman - July)                                                             180.00

Harris Engineering (play area repair)                                                         210.00

E-on Next (toilet block)                                                                               116.38

Malc Firth Landscapes (grass cutting)                                                       764.22

Lincolnshire County Council (30mph signs)                                               160.00

Evelyn Sands (Internal Audit)                                                                     315.00

Anglian Water (Recreation Field supply)                                                     18.30

TJW Services (footpath cuts)                                                             1032.00

Page Paper (coloured paper for magazines)                                               28.76

Haines Watts (PAYE services)                                                                     27.00

E L Arnold (white paper for magazines)                                                       33.00

Bolingbroke Deanery (August/September magazine)                                 72.00

E-on (Pavilion)                                                                                              59.52


  1.  Payments to be authorised:

Salaries (August)                                                                                       542.77

E L Arnold (expenses)                                                                                 89.80

E L Arnold (White paper for magazine)                                                       33.00

K & P Services (Handyman – August)                                                      160.00

E-on Next (Pavilion)                                                                                     TBA

Bolingbroke Deanery (October magazine)                                                  TBA

Malc Firth Landscapes Ltd (grass cutting)                                                685.64

Malc Firth Landscapes Ltd (Mole control)                                                 342.00

E L Arnold (Laptop, Microsoft, set up and filling cabinet)                         409.99

Haines Watts (PAYE)                                                                                  27.00


  1. S137 payments (agreed in budget):

Wrangle PCC – churchyard maintenance                                                 500.00

Wrangle Bowls Club – security and equipment                                        300.00

Wrangle Youth Centre – work with the young people                               350.00


  1. Balances at bank at 15 August 2024:    Current account      £2,965.73

Deposit account£23,568.97

                                                                             Map account                  £2.95

                                                                             Jubilee Account         £685.25

It was resolved to transfer the £685.25 from the Jubilee Account into the Map Account and use this for future ‘celebrations’ in the village, this money was donated for this purpose.


10.      To discuss the siting of two bus shelters on the a52 in the area

     of Sea Lane junction


  1. Base for shelter by the Old Pottery

 Emails have been sent to the land owner by no reply has been received.  Cllr Edwards will   

 speak to someone about this.


  1. Licence for the bus shelters

The licence to site the bus shelters has been received from LCC.


  1. Grants available

Grants will be sought for the bus shelters.  Details of one grant has been received.


11.      Recreation field


  1. Play area repairs required
  1. The dome has been replaced with a stainless steel blanking plate.
  2. The gate post needs re-welding, this work has been ordered.
  3. The trees need to be cut back and the equipment cleaned.
  4. It was resolved to get some quotes for the tree work.  The equipment will be cleaned after this work has been carried out,


b.    Play Area Inspection – offer from Sovereign Play

  1. The offer received from Sovereign Play is £399.00 + VAT to carry out 10 play area inspections over 5 years.
  2. Following discussion it was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr Edwards that this offer be accepted.


c.    Moles – contract (£850.00 per year) or one-off clearing (£285.00 as required)

            Following discussion it was resolved to stick with the one-off clearing of moles.


d.    Notice board – repairs to door

Following discussion it was resolved to get a quote for polycarbonate to be placed in the door instead of toughened glass.


e.    Any other matters

  1. The goal posts have been damaged, Cllr Edwards is dealing with this.
  2. A picnic table has been removed from the play area and damaged, Cllr Edwards will repair this and replace it in the play area.
  3. CCTV may have to be considered for the recreation field at some point.
  4. A ‘no parking’ sign will be purchased for the gates at the rear of the pavilion.


12.       To receive update regarding Community Speed Watch


  1. Cllr Dickason has had problems getting the volunteers to commit to a date for training.  It was suggested that this be put back until the Spring when hopefully more volunteers will come forward.


  1. An Archer report from Staying Alive Lincolnshire has been received and circulated to all Councillors.  The results show that data received does not meet criteria for further speed camera enforcement.


13.     To receive an update regarding the 5G mast


There has been no response to the letter sent to the company.


14.       To discuss the Borough Council street light quotation from E-On - £31,562 plus vat


  1. The Borough Council will not get a second quotation for the street lighting.
  2. Following discussion it was resolved to leave this matter until the budget is discussed in November.


9.00pm  two members of the public left the meeting


15.       To discuss any highway matters


  1. Cllr Skinner will look into the spraying of weeds on the footway.
  2. The ‘Mel Marshall Way’ nameplate currently meets the required specifications and will not be lowered.


16.       To consider siting dog/litter bins at Tooley Lane and Main Road bus stop Opposite Tooley Lane - £705.00 + vat


  1. The Clerk read out the information from the Borough Council.
  2. It was resolved that a litter/dog bin should be placed at the Chapel and by the bus shelter opposite Tooley Lane.


17.    planning applications and comments sent in August


The following planning application had no comments:


B/24/0283 - Mr Marston - Proposed extension to form sun lounge on existing holiday cottage at Holly Cottage, Mill Farm Leisure, Wrangle Bank


Objections were made to the following amendment:


B/23/0153 - H H Adkins (Contractors) Ltd - Change of use from haulage and storage depot to housing development of 24 residential dwellings, estate roads and services in accordance with amended plans and supporting documents (received by the Local Planning Authority on 31 July 2024) at G H Kimes Haulage Depot, Main Road

24 properties are too many for this site, properties more spread out to be in keeping with Mel Marshall Way.  There are existing issues in this area with water pressure and the sewerage system.  The properties should not be built at a higher level than the existing properties at Main Road to prevent flooding to the existing properties.  All vehicles must park off road to allow access for refuse and utility vehicles.  The access to a garage belonging to a property at Main Road should be maintained.


Objections were made to:


B/24/0316 - EIA Soping Notification and Consultation from the Planning Inspectorate for the project EN020036 for an Order granting Develoopment Consent for the prooposed Grimsby to Walpole Project (the proposed Development) at Grimsby to Walpole.

Wrangle Parish Council are opposed to the pylons coming through Lincolnshsire and affecting neighbouring parishes.  Pylons will be placed on farm land which is needed for food production of all kinds.  Will those living near a pylon have any adverse health effects?  Wrangle could be impacted with the movement of traffic working on this proposed project.


18.       Planning applications received for this meeting


There were no objections to:


B/24/0352 - Mr Matthews - Proposed  two storey extension to existing dwelling, proposed detached outdoor pool ad enclosure and detached garage at The Old Police House, Main Road


19.       Planning decisions received from Boston Borough Council


Full planning permission has been received for:


B/23/0318 - Staples Bros - Proposed addition of 19 agricultural workers caravans to existing caravan site at Marsh Farm, Sea Lane


B/23/0069 - Staples Bros - Proposed extension to anaerobic plant for biomethane production at Marsh Farm, Sea Lane


B/23/0156 - Mr Pitcher - Proposed single-storey rear extension, front porch and infill extension at Sigtoft Farm, Main Road


B/23/0202 - Wrangle Box Property Limited - Erection of warehouse (use class B8), construction of surface water lagoon and associated parking and turning at Wrangle Box Property Limited, Wrangle Common


B/23/0213 - JEG Farms Limited - Application for Prior Approval under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q of the General Permitted Development (England) (Order) 2015 for the change of use of an agricultural building to 4 dwelling houses including associated works necessary for the conversion at Common Farm, Wrangle Bank


B/23/0287 - Mr Appleton - Change of use from grazing land to facilitate an equestrian use. Erection of a 40 x 20m all weather menage with drainage to the dyke at rear of property.  Menage to be enclosed by post and rail fencing at a height of 1.4m. Erection of post and rail fencing to create 2 separate paddocks at rear of the land at a height of 1.4m for sole use only at Maple Lodge, Wrangle Bank


B/24/0247 - Ben Burgess (Holdings) Limited - Advertisement consent for proposed single sided facia sign with part illumination at Burdens Tractors, Main Road


Planning permission has been refused for:


B/23/0164 - Mr Pates - Erection of 2 detached dwellings including 1 two storey dwelling and 1 detached bungalow at Fieldfare, Nut Land


Planning Permission is not required for:


B/24/0345 - Anglian Water - Notification of Permitted Development under the Town and Country Planning (Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 – part 16, communications – proposed telemetry kiosk at Land off Sea Lane, Marsh Farm


20.       To receive any comments on the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan


There were no comments made regarding this plan.


21.       To receive update regarding request for a zebra crossing at Main Road


A letter has been received from LCC stating that the footfall at Main Road does not meet the criteria for a zebra crossing.


22.       To receive update regarding the Emergency Parish Plan


  1. Cllrs Dickason and Law have done all they can on the Emergency Parish Plan, more input is required from others with local knowledge.
  2. An evening with a talk from the team in Lincoln will be considered.
  3. Other Emergency Plans in the village will be sought.


23.       To discuss ideas for remembering past long serving councillors


  1. An old signing-in book was made available to the Councillors.
  2. Further discussion will take place in the future.


24.       To receive update regarding war memorial cleaning


The War Memorial will be cleaned around the middle of September, the work will take three to four days to complete.


25.       Correspondence received not covered on the agenda


There was no correspondence for this meeting.


26.       Matters for next agenda


  1. Purchase of a Wreath for Remembrance Day
  2. Updating the website
  3. To discuss the possibility of having email addresses


27.       Date and time of next meeting


The next Parish Council meeting will be held at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall on 01 October 2024 with a Public Forum from 7.15pm



There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.40pm