June 2024

Notes from 15 minute public forum on 04 June 2024


There were two members of the public present, they came along to ask if there had been any news regarding the Methodist Chapel Building, nothing has been heard nothing about the future of the building.  A question was asked about the 5G mast situation, again noting has been received.  The damage in the Spinney seems to have stopped, at this time. 



Minutes of the meeting of Wrangle Parish Council held on Tuesday 04 June 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall


1. Apologies for absence


Apologies:  Apologies were accepted from Cllr Law and from Borough Cllr Baxter


Present:  Cllrs Bowles, Wrisdale, Dickason, Pickett, Edwards, Seymour and Ashton (Chairman)  


Also present:  County Cllr Skinner, Borough Cllr Butler and two members of the public


2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


a. Borough Cllr Butler reported: 

i. Residents have been assisted with responding to planning applications.

ii. Reports have been sent to LHP on behalf of residents regarding various issues.

iii. Issues are continuing to be reported on Fix my Street, and some works are being carried out.

iv. Action is being taken by the Borough Council to tidy up the appearance of the town centre.

v. The former B & M has been purchased by the Borough Council 


b. County Cllr Skinner reported:

i. The Department for Education (DfE) has approved the county council’s bid for a new 154-place special free school providing support for pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs.

ii. Bus services are to be improved with the £2.00 per journey continuing until 31 December 2024.

iii. Please continue to report issues via Fix my Street. 

iv. Repair works are continuing across the Borough. 

v. Several Traffic Regulation Order schemes for parking and speed reduction are in progress across Boston Coastal:  A16 by the Hospital 30 mph and Crossing – Consultation Shortly; Old Leake Giles secondary Parking Scheme - Consultation in progress;  Butterwick Primary School Parking speed reduction - Consultation in progress and Bennington St Davids Lane - Consultation due.


3.    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 


There were no declarations of interest.


4. Notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 07 May 2024 to be signed as the minutes


It was resolved that the minutes, previously circulated, be signed as the minutes.



5. Notes of the meeting held on 07 May 2023 to be signed as the minutes


It was resolved that the minutes, previously circulated, be signed as the minutes.


6. Clerk’s report


The Clerk reported that the old ledgers have arrived from Australia, they are with Mr Danby at this time.


7. To receive report from the Chairman  


The Chairman had nothing to report.


8. Finance report


a. It was resolved to make the following payments: 


Salaries (May)   490.77

Clerk’s Expenses (May)         25.50

E L Arnold (white paper for magazine)     33.00

K & P Services (Handyman)   160.00

(The Parish Council have been undercharged £40.00 per month by

The Handyman all the years he has worked for the Council.  As a 

gesture it was resolved to pay one year of the losses incurred)   480.00

Bolingbroke Deanery (June magazine – cheque previously signed)     64.00

Bolingbroke Deanery (July magazine)     TBA

E-on Next (awaiting invoice)     TBA

Malc Firth Landscapes Ltd (grass cuts)   445.10

Hines Watts (Skegness) (PAYE)     54.00

E L Arnold (Reimbursement for old ledgers carriage)     85.22

E L Arnold (Reimbursement for Witham Fourth drainage rates)   348.25


b.   Balances at bank at 15 May 2024:      Current account    £16,406.43  rec: £16,300.83

     Deposit account    £23,481.16

             Map account                  £2.94

     Jubilee Account         £685.25


9.     To discuss bus shelters:


a. Repairs to wooden bus shelter by Village Hall

The repair to the upright post has been ordered.


     b. Siting of two bus shelters on A52 in the area of Sea Lane junction

A meeting will be held with LCC regarding the siting of the two bus shelters


10.      Recreation field – any matters to report


a. Entrance repairs

The repairs have been completed today.


b. Moles

The grass cutter has complained about the number of mole hills on the recreation field.  This will be looked into by the Councillors.


11.     To review risk assessments


a. Parish Council Risk Assessment

i. All Councillors have a copy of this risk assessment.

ii. It was resolved that no changes need to be made at this time.


b. Recreation Field Risk Assessment

i. All Councillors have a copy of this risk assessment.

ii. It was resolved that no changes need to be made at this time.


12. To receive update regarding Community Speed Watch


a. The volunteers have not confirmed that they will attend the training.  They will be contacted again so the training can be arranged.  

b. County Cllr Skinner will be one of the volunteers.


13. To receive update regarding a 5G mast


Following on from discussions in the public forum it was resolved to write to Three UK and ask if they still have plans to put a 5G mast in Wrangle.


14. To discuss situation regarding the Boston Borough Council street lighting


The quotation to change to LED lighting has not yet been received.


8.00pm   Two members of the public left the meeting


15. To discuss the war memorial cleaning (listed monument)


a. The local masonry company do not clean War Memorials.

b. A second company was suggested and will be contacted.

c. The Clerks e-group will be contacted for other suggestions to quote for this work.


16.      To discuss issues at the spinney – damaged caused and risks involved


This was discussed in the public forum.


17. To report any highway matters


The condition of Lade Bank was discussed.  County Cllr Skinner will look at this with the Highways Officer.


18. To discuss email from Lincolnshire Rural Housing Association regarding a produce factory at Tooley Lane


a. All Councillors have a copy of the email from LRHA.

b. Following discussion it was resolved to ask the developer to attend the July meeting.


19.    Planning applications received


The following planning application had no observations from the Parish Council:


TPO/24/0065 Tree Preservation Order at Jubilee House, Main Road


The following planning application had observations from the Parish Council:


B/24/0213 - JEG Farms Ltd - Application for Prior Approval under schedule 2, part 3, Class Q of the General Permitted Development (England) (Order) 2015 for the change of use of an Agricultural Building to 4 dwelling houses including associated works necessary for the conversion at Common Farm, Wrangle Bank


The observations are that owls and bats are present in this barn.


20.    Planning decisions received from Boston BOROUGH COUNCIL


Full planning permission has been received for:


B/23/0399 - Staples Bros - Proposed agricultural store at Marsh Farm, Sea Lane


B/23/0444 - M Leggate & Sons Produce Ltd - Proposed installation of a ground mounted 865.92kW solar PV system comprising of 2,112 x 410w solar modules at Gowt Bank Farm, Gowt Bank


B/24/0056 - Mrs K Benson - Application for a Change of Use to a Cattery including associated buildings and infrastructure at Casuda Cottage, Wrangle Bank


21.     To receive update regarding the Emergency Parish Plan


a. Cllr Law and Cllr Dickason are still working on the Plan.

b. The Plan will incorporate other Emergency Plans from local farms and the school.


22. Correspondence received not covered on the agenda


There was no additional correspondence for this meeting.


23.    Any other business – matters for next agenda


a. Ideas for a memorial for past Parish Councillors

b. To consider advert for a new Parish Clerk

c. Cllr Bowles reported that the old pump from the Wrangle Pumping station is to be placed in a museum, if it comes to fruition.


24.    Date and time of next meeting


The next Parish Council meeting will be held at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall on 02 July 2024 with a Public Forum from 7.15pm





There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40pm