April 2024

Notes from 15 minute public forum on 02 April 2024


Cllr Bowles chaired the Public Forum


There were five members of the public present, they came along to report the mud on the footway at Main Road, to report rubbish in the dyke at the recreation field, to report rubbish on the verge at Main Road in the area of Tooley Lane.  The clerk advised that a request for dog bins has been sent to the Borough Council.


7.25pm  One resident left the meeting.


7.30pm  Cllr Ashton arrived




Minutes of the meeting of Wrangle Parish Council held on Tuesday 02 April 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall


1.   Apologies for absense


Apologies:  Apologies were accepted from Cllr Edwards and from Borough Cllr Baxter


Present:  Cllrs Bowles, Hill, Wrisdale, Dickason, Seymour and Ashton (Chairman)  


Also present:  County Cllr Skinner, Borough Cllr Butler and four members of the public


  1. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


  1. Borough Cllr Butler reported:
  1. The budget has been agreed and Council tax bills sent out.  Help is available through the Council Tax Support Scheme.
  2. A Market Action Plan is now in place, plans include a food market and Boston’s Strongest Man.
  3. A TPO has been requested for some trees around the Old Vicarage.
  4. A meeting was held with the Planning Officer regarding the Kime’s yard proposed development – any comment should be put in writing to the Borough Council.
  5. A meeting about flooding and other water issues has been held with the MP and representatives from Anglian Water and Witham Fourth.
  6. Potholes, blocked drains and fly-tipping continue to be reported on Fix my Street.


  1. County Cllr Skinner reported:
  1. Anglian Water are going to investigate output, not just the Vacuum System, to check if there are other problems going on.
  2. A report about the vibrations at Main Road has been passed to LCC.
  3. The Special Needs Learning Alliance has raised money for the Lincolnshire Air Ambulance.


3.      To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were no declarations of interest.


4.      Notes of the meeting held on 05 March 2023 to be signed as the minutes


It was resolved that the minutes, previously circulated, be signed as the minutes.


5.      Clerk’s report


The Clerk reported:


a.    No dates have been received for the works to the recreation field entrance, Sea Lane and the village sign although works have been ordered.

b.    A Section 12 Notice has been received for the allotments, a copy will be sent to all tenants with the 2024 rent demands.

c.    Councillors signed the declaration required by the insurance company.


6.      To receive report from the chairman 


The Chairman had nothing to report.


7.         Finance report


  1. It was resolved to make the following payments:


Salaries (March)                                                                                               580.57

Clerk’s Expenses (March)                                                                                  23.85

E L Arnold (white paper for magazine)                                                               23.93

E L Arnold (Padlocks x 3)                                                                                   66.00

K & P Services (Handyman)                                                                             120.00

Bolingbroke Deanery (April magazine – cheque previously signed)72.00

Bolingbroke Deanery (May magazine)TBA

E-on Next (Pavilion – cheque previously signed)33.60

E-on Next (awaiting invoice)TBA

Savills (UK) Ltd (allotment rents)1450.00

HMRC (PAYE)152.53

Boston Borough Council (Recreation Field rates)FOC


  1.   Balances at bank at 15 March 2024:       Current account      £8,156.22  rec: £7,645.62

                                                                             Deposit account     £23,481.16

                                                                             Map account                  £2.94

                                                                             Jubilee Account         £685.25


8.     To discuss bus shelters:


a.   Repairs to wooden bus shelter by Village Hall

A local  person will be asked to look at the post at the entrance to the bus shelter to see if it can be repaired.


     b.    Siting of two bus shelters on A52 in the area of Sea Lane junction

  1. LCC have asked for the position of the sites for the bus shelters.
  2. Boston Borough Council have suggested that a Certificate of Lawfulness be applied for when the sites have been approved by LCC.
  3. The shelter design was agreed.
  4. A local company will be asked about the siting of one of the shelters.


9.      Recreation field – any matters to report


  1. The recreation field is still wet, but the grass has been recently cut.
  2. New padlocks have been purchased for the toilet block, the combinations will be sent to all Councillors and the Wrangle Show Committee.


10.     To receive update regarding Community Speed Watch


Cllr Dickason reported that there are enough volunteers to be trained in the use of the hand held equipment, once it has been calibrated by LRSP.


11.       To discuss situation regarding the Boston Borough Council street lighting


  1. An email has been received from the Borough Council with an offer of a loan to pay for the street lights to be changed to LED’s.
  2. When the figure has been received the Parish Council it will enable an informed decision to be made about a loan.
  3. The money requested to bring the street lights up to standard will also be taken into consideration when the LED quote has been received – it is felt that the Borough Council should pay for this.


12.       To discuss the War Memorial and any works to be carried out


  1. Following discussion it was resolved to get a quotation for cleaning the War Memorial.
  2. Moving forward the War Memorial should be scheduled to be cleaned every ten years.
  3. The Remembrance Day Service will be held in Wrangle this year.


13.     To report any highway matters


There is a large pothole taking half of the road at Camms Lane in the area of America House, this will be reported on Fix my Street.


14.    Planning applications received


The following planning application had no observations from the Parish Council:


TPO/24/0001  Tree Preservation Order at the Old Vicarage, Church Lane (10 trees)


The following planning application has objections from the Parish Council:


B/24/0125       Mr Hiley                     Erection of 2 detached dwellings and erection of a detached double garage on the site of a partially constructed dwelling at Land adjacent to Angel Inn Public House

This site is in a high risk flood area and has recently been flooded.

There is a public right of way/bridle way through this site, it should remain open and not stopped up as it is a frequently used public footpath.


15.    Planning decisions received from Boston Borough Council


FULL planning permission has been received for:


B/23/0419       Staples Vegetables     Erection of a coldstore at Marsh Farm, Sea Lane, Wrangle


B/23/0448       Mr & Mrs Turner        Extension to existing dwelling (works already started) at Rustic Rose, Wrangle Bank


16.     To receive update regarding the Emergency Parish Plan


  1. No more volunteers have come forward.
  2. The document is as complete as it can be, but needs other input.  It will be sent to the volunteers to add comments where possible, then will be sent to LCC.
  3. It is an ongoing process and can be updated at any time as needs arise.


8.35pm   1 member of the public left the meeting


17.       To receive update/report regarding the new pumping station


  1. A visit will be made to the pumping station later this month, a report will be given after that.
  2. The fall of the water is a concern as it falls to the base of the bank, but ought to be falling away from the bank – this will be discussed on the visit.


18.       Correspondence received not covered on the agenda


There was no additional correspondence for this meeting.


19.    Any other business – matters for next agenda


  1. Co-option
  2. Audit for the year ended 31 March 2024


21.    Date and time of next meeting


The next Parish Council meetings will be held in the Parish Hall on 07 May 2024:

7.00pm   Annual Parish Meeting

7.20pm   Annual Parish Council Meeting

7.35pm   Parish Council Meeting





There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50pm