01 October 2020
Minutes of the remote meeting held on Tuesday 06 October 2020 at 7.35pm
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies: Apologies were accepted from Cllr Pickett
Present: Cllrs Edwards, Featherstone, Wrisdale, Seymour and Danby (Chairman)
2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
a. The PCSO reported incidents from 07 July to 03 October, by email:
i. 2 thefts at Main Road
ii. 1 domestic incident at Main Road
iii. 3 incidents of anti-social behaviour at Main Road
iv. 1 incident of violence at Main Road
v. 1 transport hazard at Main Road
vi. 1 road traffic collision at Main Road
b. The Borough councillors were not present
c. The County Councillor was not present
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest.
4. Notes of the remote meeting held on 01 September to be approved and signed as the minutes
The notes, previously circulated, were approved as the minutes, they will be signed by the Chairman in due course.
5. Clerk’s report
The minutes have not been taken for binding yet, this will be done before the next meeting.
7.35 Cllrs Ashton and Bowles arrived
6. To receive report from the Chairman
a. There is not much fruit in the orchard, this may be due to aphid damage.
b. The grass will be cut in the Spring due to the wild flowers still growing amongst the grass.
7. To discuss a donation to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal for a wreath
a. The cost of the wreath is £17.00.
b. Following discussion it was proposed by Cllr Featherstone and seconded by Cllr Bowles that a payment of £50.00 be made as a donation for the wreath, all agreed.
8. To discuss the s137 payments
a. The Clerk outlined the four applications received and reported the amounts paid last year and put in the budget for 2020/2021.
b. Following discussion it was proposed by Cllr Featherstone and seconded by Cllr Wrisdale that the payments remain the same for this year, all agreed.
9. Finance report
a. To approve the following payments: £
Salaries (September) 389.32
E L Arnold (white paper) 29.00
K & P Services (Handyman) 120.00
Bolingbroke Deanery (November magazine) 90.00
Evelyn Sands (PAYE) 45.00
Malc Firth Landscapes (grass cutting – August) 336.00
Savills (allotment rent) 1375.00
LALC (LALC News x 3) 4.50
Anglian Water (water supply at recreation field) 17.90
E-on (toilet block) 11.64
S137 Payments: Youth Centre 350.00
Bowls Club 300.00
Methodist Chapel 350.00
Wrangle Church 550.00
b. Balances in bank at 15 June: Current account £5,054.18, reconciled £3,420.18
Deposit account £27,114.63
Map account £636.54
10. To review the budget control, so far
a. All councillors have a copy of the budget control showing expenditure in relation to the budgeted figures for 2020/2021.
b. There were no questions asked or comments made.
11. Recreation field
a. E-on contract for the toilet block
i. Figures were given for predicted usage of electricity from E-on and from SSE.
ii. Following discussion it was resolved to move to SSE. A fee may be charged by E-on
b. Any other matters
i. The Football Club have asked about advertising on the pavilion. It was resolved that any adverts should be approved by the Parish Council and any income can be kept by the Football Club.
ii. The goals can be stored at the rear of the toilet block when necessary.
iii. Mole runs near the gym equipment will be rolled when the weather permits.
iv. There are a few branches overhanging the play area, this will be looked at when the leaves are off the trees.
12. Planning applications received
The Parish Council looked at and supported the following application:
B/20/0324 Mr S McDonald Single storey side and rear extension at Leoanni, Main Road
B/20/0332 Mr & Mrs Coles Erection of one detached two storey dwelling at Land Adjacent to Mayfield, Church Lane
13. Planning decisions received from the Borough Council
There were no planning decisions for this meeting.
14. Highways:
a. To receive update regarding the finger post
The new finger post is complete and awaiting a time to be sited at the junction of Main Road and Common Road.
b. Other highway matters
i. The pothole across the whole of the road at Sea Lane (ref: 376844) is getting worse by the day. A letter will be sent to the local farm to ask if they will consider a contribution to LCC towards the work required to repair this section of the road.
ii. The condition of Sea Lane will be chased up with LCC adding the importance this road is for access to the Marsh for everyone wishing to visit and walk in the area.
iii. Wrangle Show Committee have ordered a village sign. The cost of the sign is not known, but a site for the sign has yet to be agreed.
15. Any other business – matters for next agenda
a. Budget 2021/2022
16. Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be a remote meeting to be held on 03 November 2020 at 7.30pm
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40pm