05 November 2024

Notes from 15-minute public forum on 05 November

There were three members of the public present. They came to speak about land behind their properties on the A52. The land was owned by The Consolidated Charities so isn’t a Parish Council matter. Cllr Bowles explained the situation to the residents.  

The residents asked for notification if planning permission is applied for. Cllr Law showed the residents the website to access the information.

One resident also asked for an update regarding the 5G mast – This is an Agenda item. They also spoke about the mud on the footpaths along the A52.


7:26pm Borough Cllr Butler arrived


7:39pm Three members of the public left the meeting, and the Parish Council Meeting began.



Minutes of the meeting of Wrangle Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th November 2024 at 7:30pm in The Parish Hall.


  1. Apologies for absence


Apologies: Apologies were accepted from Borough Cllr Baxter.


Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Dickason, Bowles, Edwards, Hill, Law, Pickett, Seymour and Wrisdale.


Also present: County Cllr Skinner and Borough Cllr Butler.


  1. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:


  1. Borough Cllr Butler reported:
  1. Reports of a male in the park acting suspiciously during the night, the male has also been seen in gardens. This was reported to the Parish Council and the Police have been made aware. PC Brennan is to patrol the area and potentially use a drone.
  2. Complaints have been received regarding mud on the road. Contact has been made with several local farms who have cleared the excess mud.
  3. Residents have raised that not all buses turn down Church End into the village and some stick to the A52. This has been taken further by Cllr Dorrian as leader.
  4. Flooding and issues with Vac Pumps have again been reported in Chapel Lane. Anglian Water have informed that new watertight covers are to be installed to try and precent the pumps from failing. New parts have also been ordered.
  5. The second phase of community skips has started and will happen each Monday in November.


  1. County Councillor Skinner reported:
  1. From the start of May to the end of September, LCC Highways completed nearly 135,000 road improvements – Including almost 41,000 potholes repaired in the county.
  2. More headline acts revealed to play live at Lincoln Castle in 2025, including Olly Murs brining his 15 years of Hits UK tour to Lincolnshire.
  3. In 2023/24 Lincolnshire Trading Standards received 134 referrals to their scam’s prevention and intervention officer. Successful apprenticeships and ongoing officer training within is allowing the service to best protect the county’s consumers and support local businesses.


  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 01 October 2024 to be approved and signed as the minutes


It was resolved that the minutes previously circulated be signed as the minutes.


  1. Clerk’s Report


  1. Discussed that an email had been received from Wrangle Youth Centre to express their thanks for the donation towards their running costs.
  2. The bank mandate was discussed. Cllr Ashton had brought the relevant documentation to the meeting to be completed by the relevant people and returned to the bank.


  1. To receive report from the Chairman


The Chairman thanked Cllr Dickason for chairing the October meeting in his absence.



















  1. Financial Report:


  1. Payments to be authorised:
    1. Salaries (October)                                                          486.00
    2. Clerks Expenses (October)                                              39.24
    3. R Herberts (Reimbursement for Hutson’s Invoice)             49.14
    4. R Herberts (Reimbursement for Wave (Water) Invoice      18.51
    5. E-on Next (Pavilion)                                                         97.76
    6. E-on Next (Toilet Block)                                                 143.83
    7. Bolingbroke Deanery (November Magazine)                    72.00
    8. Page Paper (Paper for Magazines)                                   36.88
    9. Malc Firth Landscapes Ltd (grass cutting)                       408.95
    10. Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Donation                   100.00
    11. K&P Services                                                                184.67
    12. TJW Services (Footpaths)                                              516.00
    13. Haines Watts Skegness (PAYE)                                       27.00
  2. Balances at the bank on 15 October 2024:

Current Account: £6673.65

Deposit Account: £23657.11

Jubilee Account: £688.21


  1. To receive an update on the siting of two bus shelters on the A52 in the area of Sea Lane junction.


The landowner would like to arrange a meeting at site. The Clerk will speak with the landowner and arrange a suitable date and time.


  1. Recreation Field:


  1. Notice board: The handyman arranged for the door to be fixed, and Perspex added.
  2. Tree/Hedge Work: The Clerk spoke to the company carrying out the work. Traffic management for the A52 needs to be arranged for part of the work. The company are to inform the Clerk once everything is in order.
  3. E. ON Quotes: It was agreed to fix the rates on both electricity meters for one year to receive a better rate. It was also agreed to pay via direct debit.
  4. Cleaning of the play equipment: It was agreed to get three quotes for the work. With a view for one intense clean and then maintain the cleaning going forward.
  5. Tree Surveys: A quote was obtained to carry out regular tree surveys. The survey will cost £325 + VAT and is recommended to be carried out every 3 to 5 years. It was agreed to arrange the survey.
  6. Any other matters: It was discussed that the goals on the recreation field had been damaged and left on the floor. It was agreed that the goals would be removed and then Cllr Edwards would look at them to see if they can be repaired.





  1. To receive update regarding Community Speed Sign


It was discussed that the current sign must be 8/10 years old. It was agreed to get quotes for a new sign, looking into the possibility of a solar powered version and mounts/fixings so that the sign could be moved. A quote for a new battery for the current sign would be gained with a view to move this sign to another location within the village if a new sign is sourced.


  1. To receive an update regarding a 5G mast


MP Richard Tice has been contacted regarding the 5G mast. He is going to contact Three UK on our behalf to find out the current situation.


  1. To report any highway matters


It was reported that the gratings on the A52 have been lifted.


  1. Planning applications received for this meeting


No planning applications were received.


  1. Planning Decisions received from Boston Borough Council


No planning decisions were received.


  1. To discuss updating the website


It was discussed that this would be an ongoing project carried out by the Clerk with the help of the notes from Cllr Law.


  1. To discuss the possibility of having .gov.uk email addresses


The Clerk sought advice from the Clerk at Old Leake.

The Clerk contacted ‘Cloud Next’ an approved registrar. The cost would be £50.00 + VAT for the domain name and £49.99 + VAT for the email package for all Councillors and the Clerk. There would then be a yearly cost of £100.00 + VAT for the upkeep. A grant of £100.00 is available subject to application and how much funding remains. It was agreed to act and start the process.


  1. To receive a report from the Parish Liaison Meeting


Cllr Edwards gave a report:

  1. The Police attended via zoom, they reiterated the importance for residents to report any ASB, this allows the Police to form a picture of offences that are happening and allocate resources accordingly.
  2. It was discussed that there are still grants available to Parishes for projects.
  3. A question was asked if there were plans to extend the garden waste season, this was to be discussed within the council and updated at a later date.


  1. To discuss the draft budget for the year ended 31 March 2025


The draft budget was discussed at length. The Clerk is to make amendments. An updated version will be sent out and discussed at the December meeting.


  1. Correspondence received, not covered on the agenda


Cllr Edwards reported that he had attended a Wrangle Youth Centre meeting. He reported:

  1. The Youth Centre have used part of the donation from Wrangle Parish Council to purchase a new stainless-steel sink and cupboards.
  2. The Youth Centre asked if we could contact the grass cutting company on their behalf regarding a section of the field that they are trying to re-wild, they also asked if we could discuss some strimming requirements. The Clerk will arrange for the company to meet with a member of the Youth Centre management committee to discuss.
  3. The Youth Centre also asked if there were any grants currently available for trees. The Clerk will investigate this and contact the Youth Centre.


  1. Matters for next agenda


To consider the draft budget for the year ended 31 March 2026


  1. Date and time of the next meeting


The next Parish Council meeting will be held at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall on 03 December 2024 with a Public Forum from 7:15pm.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 9:13pm.