May 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 07 May 2024 AT 7.55pm in the Parish Hall, Wrangle


1.    Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Cllr Pickett, Borough Cllr Butler and County Cllr Skinner


Present:  Cllrs Edwards, Bowles, Seymour, Wrisdale, Dickason, Hill, Law and Ashton (Chairman)


Also present:  Borough Cllr Baxter


2.    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 


There were no declarations of interest.


3.    Notes of the meeting held on 02 April 2024 to be approved and signed as the minutes


The notes, previously circulated, were approved and signed as minutes.


4.    Clerk’s report 


a. The base of the village sign will be repaired at the end of June.

b. Following discussion, it was agreed to wait for more details about the Anglian Water suggestion of joining a multi-agency committee to deal with flooding issues.

c. Cllr Edwards gave a report from the Parish Liaison meeting:

i. The car boot charter will be looked at to allow more car boot sales in the villages.

ii. The Highways representative reported that there was not enough money to do the works required.  Fix my Street work is done sooner when photos are attached.

iii. The Police attended via ‘zoom’ and said the Police presence in Boston would try to be improved.  A request was made for monthly reports.

iv. Recreational events are taking place in Boston, but there seems little for the rural areas.


5. Finance report


a. To approve the following payments:


Salaries (April)   594.97

E L Arnold (expenses)     32.00

K & P Services (Handyman)   120.00

Malc firth Landscapes (grass cutting)   451.00

E L Arnold (white paper for magazines)     27.50

Bolingbroke Deanery (May magazine)     64.00

Bolingbroke Deanery (June magazine)     TBA

E-on Next (electricity supply at recreation field)     25.20

Arthur J Gallagher (Insurance) 2043.26

Boston Borough Council (Street lights – Nov. inv.) 4444.27

Page Paper (coloured paper for magazine)     28.76

E-On Next (Toilet Block supply)     99.69

Hutson’s (Jubilee Plaque)     31.68

T J W Services (Footpath cuts)   516.00

b. Balances at bank at 15 April 2024: Current account:    £7,053.24   rec:  £5,241.54

Deposit account:    £23,481.16

Jubilee account:      £685.25

Map account: £2.94


c. The precept of £12055.73 has been received.


6.    Audit for the year ended 31 MARCH 2024:


a. To complete the Annual Governance Statement

i. The Chairman read out each of the statements and ticked the relevant box following responses from the Councillors.

ii. The paperwork was signed by the Chairman and Clerk where required.


b. To approve the Accounting Statement

i. The Clerk read out the figures in the Accounting Statement, these were approved by the Councillors who were given a copy of the paperwork.

ii. The paperwork was signed by the Chairman and Clerk where required.


c. All Councillors have a copy of the assets register and the budget control for the year ended 31 March 2024.


7.    Recreation field 


a. Entrance to car park

The entrance to the recreation field car park will also be repaired in June.

b. Play area inspection

An unattended play area inspection has been ordered, the turn around time is 12 weeks, but if there is another job in the area then Wrangle will be included.


c. Any Other matters

There were no other matters to discuss.


8.    To receive report regarding request for additional dog bins


a. All Councillors have a copy of the paperwork received from Boston Borough Council.

b. Following discussion it was resolved to ask for a litter/dog bin to be sited at the Tooley Lane/Elizabeth Avenue junction.

c. A litter/dog bin will be requested for the bus stop by the Chapel.


9.    Highways:


a. A pot hole at Hall End Road will be reported on Fix my Street.

b. The public footpath off Hall lane needs to be cut.

c. It was reported that street lights on poles will not be changed to LED, this will be checked.


10.   Planning applications received for decision


There were no planning applications for this meeting.


11.   Planning decisions received 


There were no planning decisions for this meeting.


12.   To receive updates regarding bus shelters


A site meeting is to be arranged with LCC, the Chairman will attend along with the Clerk


13.   Correspondence received


There was no correspondence for this meeting


14.   Any other business – matters for next agenda


a.   Issues at the Spinney with young people.

b.   Cleaning the War Memorial.

c. Memorial for Councillors P and R Featherstone.

d. Risk Assessments review

e. Community Speed Watch

f. Emergency Parish Plan

g. 5g Mast update


15.   Date and time of next meeting


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 04 June 2024 in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm, there will be a Public Forum from 7.15pm.



There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.55pm