03 September 2024

Wrangle Parish Council


The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 02 July 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall, Wrangle


There will be a 15 minute public forum prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.  Members of the public are welcome to stay for the remainder of the meeting, with the exceptions of any closed sessions, but they may not speak on any matter after the public session is closed.


7.15 – 7.30

Public forum




1. Welcome the new Clerk

2. Apologies for absence and reasons given

3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:

a. Borough Councillors

b. County Councillor

4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

5. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 02 July 2024 to be approved and signed as the minutes

6. Clerk’s Report

7. To receive report from the Chairman

8. To discuss training for the Clerk and for Councillors via the LALC Training Scheme

9. Financial Report:

a. Payments made in August:

i. Salaries (July)   542.77

ii. K & P Services (Handyman - July)   180.00

iii. Harris Engineering (play area repair)   210.00

iv. E-on Next (toilet block)     116.38

v. Malc Firth Landscapes (grass cutting)   764.22

vi. Lincolnshire County Council (30mph signs)   160.00

vii. Evelyn Sands (Internal Audit)   315.00

viii. Anglian Water (Recreation Field supply)     18.30

ix. TJW Services (footpath cuts) 1032.00

x. Page Paper (coloured paper for magazines)     28.76

xi. Haines Watts (PAYE services)     27.00

xii. E L Arnold (white paper for magazines)     33.00

xiii. Bolingbroke Deanery (August/September magazine)     72.00

xiv. E-on (Pavilion)     59.52

b. Payments to be authorised:

i. Salaries (August)   542.77

ii. E L Arnold (expenses)     TBA

iii. E L Arnold (White paper for magazine)     TBA

iv. K & P Services (Handyman – August)   160.00

v. E-on Next (Pavilion – cheque previously signed)     32.55 

vi. E-on Next (Toilet Block)     TBA

vii. Bolingbroke Deanery (October magazine)     TBA

viii. Malc Firth Landscapes Ltd (grass cutting)   685.64

ix. Malc Firth Landscapes Ltd (Mole control)   342.00

x. E L Arnold (Laptop, Microsoft, set up and filling cabinet)   409.99


S137 payments (agreed in budget):

xi. Wrangle PCC – churchyard maintenance   500.00

xii. Wrangle Bowls Club – security and equipment   300.00

xiii. Wrangle Youth Centre – work with the young people   350.00

c. To report balances in the bank

10. To discuss the siting of two bus shelters on the A52 in the area of Sea Lane junction:

a. Base for shelter by the Old Pottery

b. Licence to site the shelters

c. Grants available

11. Recreation Field:

a. Play Area inspection – any work to order?

b. Play Area inspection offer from Sovereign Play - £399 + VAT for 5 years

c. Moles – contract (850.00 per year) or one-off clearing (285.00) as required

d. Notice board – repairs to door

e. Any other matters

12. To receive update regarding Community Speed Watch

13. To receive an update regarding a 5G mast

14. To discuss the Borough Council street lighting quotation from E-on - £31,562 + VAT

15. To report any highway matters

16. To consider siting dog/litter bins at Tooley Lane and Main Road bus stop opposite Tooley Lane - £705.00 + VAT

17. Planning applications and comments sent in August

18. Planning applications received for a decision at this meeting (www.mybostonuk.com):

19. Planning Decisions received from Boston Borough Council

20. To receive any comments on the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan 

21. To receive update regarding request for a zebra crossing at Main Road

22. To receive update regarding the Emergency Parish Plan

23. To discuss ideas for remembering past long serving Councillors

24. To receive update regarding War Memorial cleaning

25. Correspondence received, not covered on the agenda

26. Matters for next agenda

27. Date of next meeting – 01 October 2024