07 May 2024

Wrangle Parish Council


The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 03 May commencing at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall, Wrangle




  1. Apologies for absence and reasons given
  2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:
    1. Borough Councillors
    2. County Councillor
  3. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
  4. Notes of meeting held on 05 April to be approved and signed as the minutes
  5. Clerk’s Report
  6. To receive report from the Chairman
  7. Financial Report:

a.    Payments to be authorised:

  i.       Salaries (April + back dated)                                                     TBA

 ii.       E L Arnold (expenses)                                                              TBA

iii.       E L Arnold (white magazine paper)                                           14.75

iv.       E-on Next (Pavilion – cheque signed n February)                      15.28

 v.      K& P Services (Handyman)                                                   120.00

                    vi.       Bolingbroke Deanery (June magazine)                                     90.00

                    vii.      Anglian Water (recreation field supply)                                      10.28

                    viii.     Malc Firth Landscapes (grass cutting)                                    468.00

                    ix.       Came & Company (insurance)                                                  TBA

b.    To report balances in the bank

  1. Recreation Field:
    1. To discuss the bridge across the dyke behind Mel Marshall Way and discuss any action to be taken
    2. Entrance to car park
    3. Any other matter
  2. To report any highway matters:
  1. Streetlights at Tooley Lane and Chapel Lane
  2. Any other matters
  1. To discuss a contribution to the weekly Rural Bus Service
  2. Planning applications received for a decision at this meeting (all plans can be viewed at www.mybostonuk.com:

B/22/0168 – Mr Marston – proposed two storey rear extension at Mill Farm, Wrangle Bank

  1. Planning Decisions received from Boston Borough Council
  2. To discuss the siting of the village sign
  3. Platinum Jubilee 2022:
  1. To receive report on Platinum Jubilee meetings
  2. To receive update regarding grant application for a Jubilee Bench.
  1. Correspondence received, not covered on the agenda
  2. Any Other business – matters for next agenda
  3. Date of next meeting – 05 April 2022