07 May 2024
Wrangle Parish Council
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 03 May commencing at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall, Wrangle
- Apologies for absence and reasons given
- To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:
- Borough Councillors
- County Councillor
- To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
- Notes of meeting held on 05 April to be approved and signed as the minutes
- Clerk’s Report
- To receive report from the Chairman
- Financial Report:
a. Payments to be authorised:
i. Salaries (April + back dated) TBA
ii. E L Arnold (expenses) TBA
iii. E L Arnold (white magazine paper) 14.75
iv. E-on Next (Pavilion – cheque signed n February) 15.28
v. K& P Services (Handyman) 120.00
vi. Bolingbroke Deanery (June magazine) 90.00
vii. Anglian Water (recreation field supply) 10.28
viii. Malc Firth Landscapes (grass cutting) 468.00
ix. Came & Company (insurance) TBA
b. To report balances in the bank
- Recreation Field:
- To discuss the bridge across the dyke behind Mel Marshall Way and discuss any action to be taken
- Entrance to car park
- Any other matter
- To report any highway matters:
- Streetlights at Tooley Lane and Chapel Lane
- Any other matters
- To discuss a contribution to the weekly Rural Bus Service
- Planning applications received for a decision at this meeting (all plans can be viewed at www.mybostonuk.com:
B/22/0168 – Mr Marston – proposed two storey rear extension at Mill Farm, Wrangle Bank
- Planning Decisions received from Boston Borough Council
- To discuss the siting of the village sign
- Platinum Jubilee 2022:
- To receive report on Platinum Jubilee meetings
- To receive update regarding grant application for a Jubilee Bench.
- Correspondence received, not covered on the agenda
- Any Other business – matters for next agenda
- Date of next meeting – 05 April 2022